


package com.neohope.reference;

 * Created by Hansen
public class NString {
    private String name;
    private String value;

    public NString(String name, String value)
    { = name;

    public NString(String name, StringBuilder builder)
    { = name;

    public String Name()
        return name;

    public String Value()
        return value;

    protected void finalize()
        System.out.println(">> "+Name()+" finalize called");
        try {
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {


package com.neohope.reference;

import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

 * Created by Hansen
 * JVM参数:
 * -XX:+PrintGCDetails
 * -Xms6m -Xmx12m
public class TestReferenceA {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runtime rt=Runtime.getRuntime();
        System.out.println("Total memory is "+rt.totalMemory());
        int MemSize = 1024*1024*1;
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(MemSize);
        for (int i=0;i<MemSize/8;i++) {
        System.out.println("Total memory is "+rt.totalMemory());

        NString s00 = new NString("s00",builder);
        NString s01 = new NString("s01",builder);
        NString s02 = new NString("s02","s03");
        String key03 = new String("k03");
        NString s03 = new NString("s03","s03");
        NString s04 = new NString("s04","s04");
        System.out.println("Total memory is "+rt.totalMemory());

        NString strongRef = s00;
        SoftReference<NString> softRef = new SoftReference<NString>(s01);
        WeakReference<NString> weakRef = new WeakReference<NString>(s02);
        WeakHashMap weakHashMap = new WeakHashMap();
        ReferenceQueue refQueue = new ReferenceQueue<String>();
        PhantomReference<NString> phantomRef = new PhantomReference<NString>(s04, refQueue);

        System.out.println("With strong ref strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("With strong ref softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("With strong ref weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("With strong ref weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("With strong ref refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        s00 = null;
        s01 = null;
        s02 = null;
        s03 = null;
        s04 = null;

        System.out.println("Before gc strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("Before gc softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("Before gc weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("Before gc weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("Before gc refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        System.out.println("After first gc strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After first gc softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After first gc weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After first gc weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("After first gc refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        key03 = null;
        System.out.println("After second gc strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After second gc softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After second gc weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After second gc weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("After second gc refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        System.out.println("After Finalization strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After Finalization softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After Finalization weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("After Finalization weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("After Finalization refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        System.out.println("Total memory is "+rt.totalMemory());
        StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(MemSize);
        for (int i=0;i<MemSize/8;i++) {
        NString tmp0 = new NString("tmp0", builder2);
        System.out.println("Total memory is "+rt.totalMemory());

        System.out.println("When mem is low strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When mem is low softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When mem is low weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When mem is low weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("When mem is low refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());

        NString tmp1 = null;
            tmp1 = new NString("tmp1",builder2);
        catch(OutOfMemoryError ex)
            System.out.println("Not enough memory");

        System.out.println("tmp1 is " + (tmp1==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When not enough memory strongRef is " + (strongRef==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When not enough memory softRef is " + (softRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When not enough memory weakRef is " + (weakRef.get()==null?"null":"not null"));
        System.out.println("When not enough memory weakHashMap is " + (weakHashMap.isEmpty() ?"empty":"not empty"));
        System.out.println("When not enough memory refQueue has " + refQueue.poll());


Total memory is 6094848
Total memory is 6094848
Total memory is 11390976
With strong ref strongRef is not null
With strong ref softRef is not null
With strong ref weakRef is not null
With strong ref weakHashMap is not empty
With strong ref refQueue has null

Before gc strongRef is not null
Before gc softRef is not null
Before gc weakRef is not null
Before gc weakHashMap is not empty
Before gc refQueue has null

After first gc strongRef is not null
After first gc softRef is not null
After first gc weakRef is null
After first gc weakHashMap is not empty
>> s04 finalize called
After first gc refQueue has null
>> s02 finalize called

After second gc strongRef is not null
After second gc softRef is not null
After second gc weakRef is null
After second gc weakHashMap is not empty
After second gc refQueue has java.lang.ref.PhantomReference@15d63da

After Finalization strongRef is not null
After Finalization softRef is not null
After Finalization weakRef is null
After Finalization weakHashMap is not empty
After Finalization refQueue has null

Total memory is 14221312
Total memory is 14221312
When mem is low strongRef is not null
When mem is low softRef is not null
When mem is low weakRef is null
When mem is low weakHashMap is not empty
When mem is low refQueue has null

>> s01 finalize called
Not enough memory
tmp1 is null
When not enough memory strongRef is not null
When not enough memory softRef is null
When not enough memory weakRef is null
When not enough memory weakHashMap is empty
When not enough memory refQueue has null

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