sayhi:- write('What is your name?'), read(X),write('Hi '),write(X). sayhito(X):- write('Hi '),write(X). do(sayhito(X)):-sayhito(X),!. loop_test:- repeat, write('Enter command (end to exit): '), read(X), write(">>"), write(X), nl, X=end.
% a nonassertive version of nani search nani :- write('Welcome to Nani Search'), nl, initial_state(State), control_loop(State). control_loop(State) :- end_condition(State). control_loop(State) :- repeat, write('> '), read(X), constraint(State, X), do(State, NewState, X), control_loop(NewState). % initial dynamic state initial_state([ here(kitchen), have([]), location([ kitchen/apple, kitchen/broccoli, office/desk, office/flashlight, cellar/nani ]), status([ flashlight/off, game/on]) ]). % static state rooms([office, kitchen, cellar]). doors([office/kitchen, cellar/kitchen]). connect(X,Y) :- doors(DoorList), member(X/Y, DoorList). connect(X,Y) :- doors(DoorList), member(Y/X, DoorList). % list utilities member(X,[X|Y]). member(X,[Y|Z]) :- member(X,Z). delete(X, [], []). delete(X, [X|T], T). delete(X, [H|T], [H|Z]) :- delete(X, T, Z). % state manipulation utilities get_state(State, here, X) :- member(here(X), State). get_state(State, have, X) :- member(have(Haves), State), member(X, Haves). get_state(State, location, Loc/X) :- member(location(Locs), State), member(Loc/X, Locs). get_state(State, status, Thing/Stat) :- member(status(Stats), State), member(Thing/Stat, Stats). del_state(OldState, [location(NewLocs) | Temp], location, Loc/X):- delete(location(Locs), OldState, Temp), delete(Loc/X, Locs, NewLocs). add_state(OldState, [here(X)|Temp], here, X) :- delete(here(_), OldState, Temp). add_state(OldState, [have([X|Haves])|Temp], have, X) :- delete(have(Haves), OldState, Temp). add_state(OldState, [status([Thing/Stat|TempStats])|Temp], status, Thing/Stat) :- delete(status(Stats), OldState, Temp), delete(Thing/_, Stats, TempStats). % end condition end_condition(State) :- get_state(State, have, nani), write('You win'). end_condition(State) :- get_state(State, status, game/off), write('quitter'). % constraints and puzzles together constraint(State, goto(cellar)) :- !, can_go_cellar(State). constraint(State, goto(X)) :- !, can_go(State, X). constraint(State, take(X)) :- !, can_take(State, X). constraint(State, turn_on(X)) :- !, can_turn_on(State, X). constraint(_, _). can_go(State,X) :- get_state(State, here, H), connect(X,H). can_go(_, X) :- write('You can''t get there from here'), nl, fail. can_go_cellar(State) :- can_go(State, cellar), !, cellar_puzzle(State). cellar_puzzle(State) :- get_state(State, have, flashlight), get_state(State, status, flashlight/on). cellar_puzzle(_) :- write('It''s dark in the cellar'), nl, fail. can_take(State, X) :- get_state(State, here, H), get_state(State, location, H/X). can_take(State, X) :- write('it is not here'), nl, fail. can_turn_on(State, X) :- get_state(State, have, X). can_turn_on(_, X) :- write('You don''t have it'), nl, fail. % commands do(Old, New, goto(X)) :- goto(Old, New, X), !. do(Old, New, take(X)) :- take(Old, New, X), !. do(Old, New, turn_on(X)) :- turn_on(Old, New, X), !. do(State, State, look) :- look(State), !. do(Old, New, quit) :- quit(Old, New). do(State, State, _) :- write('illegal command'), nl. look(State) :- get_state(State, here, H), write('You are in '), write(H), nl, write('You can see'), list_things(State, H), nl, write('You have'), list_bag(State, H), nl, write('You can go'), list_rooms(H), nl. list_things(State, H) :- get_state(State, location, H/X), tab(2), write(X), fail. list_things(_, _). list_rooms(H) :- connect(X,H),tab(2),write(X),fail. list_rooms(_). list_bag(State, H) :- get_state(State, have, X), tab(2), write(X), fail. list_bag(_, _). goto(Old, New, X) :- add_state(Old, New, here, X), look(New). take(Old, New, X) :- get_state(Old, here, H), del_state(Old, Temp, location, H/X), add_state(Temp, New, have, X). turn_on(Old, New, X) :- add_state(Old, New, status, X/on). quit(Old, New) :- add_state(Old, New, status, game/off).
?- nani(). Welcome to Nani Search > look. You are in kitchen You can see apple broccoli You have You can go office cellar > |: take(apple). > |: take(broccoli). > |: goto(office). You are in office You can see desk flashlight You have broccoli apple You can go kitchen > |: take(desk). > |: take(flashlight). > |: goto(kitchen). You are in kitchen You can see You have flashlight desk broccoli apple You can go office cellar > |turn_on(flashlight). > |: goto(cellar). You are in cellar You can see nani You have flashlight desk broccoli apple You can go kitchen > |: take(nani). You win true .