
1. Basic Tools
These tools are the foundation of the JDK. They are the tools you use to create and build applications.

Tool Name Brief Description
java The launcher for Java applications. In this release, a single launcher is used both for development and deployment.
javaw The launcher for Java gui applications.

2. Security Tools
2.1. These security tools help you set security policies on your system and create applications that can work within the scope of security policies set at remote sites.

Tool Name Brief Description
keytool Manage keystores and certificates.
policytool GUI tool for managing policy files.
javacpl The Java Control Panel is a multipurpose control panel. It allows you to view and set a wide range of parameters controlling how, or if, Java technology runs on your computer. It lets you view and delete temporary files used by the Java Plug-in, which allows Java technology to be used by your Web browser to run applets; and Java Web Start, which allows you to run Java applications over the network. It allows you to control certificates, making it safe to run applets and applications over the network. It enables you to view an active deployment rule set, and to manage the exception site list. It allows you to set runtime parameters for applets that run with Java Plug-in and applications that run with Java Web Start. It provides a mechanism for updating your version of the Java platform so that you always have the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). And it allows you to set options for debugging, applet handling, etc.
ssvagent ???ssvagent is run when java detects registry is not correct and then ssvagent tries to recover it.

2.2. These security tools help you obtain, list, and manage Kerberos tickets.

Tool Name Brief Description
kinit Tool for obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the kinit tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the kinit reference page.
klist Command-line tool to list entries in credential cache and key tab. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the klist tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the klist reference page.
ktab Command-line tool to help the user manage entries in the key table. Equivalent functionality is available on the Solaris operating system via the kadmin tool. For example, for Solaris 11, see the kadmin reference page.

3. Speed Up Tools

Tool Name Brief Description
jqs Java Quick Starter (JQS), introduced in the Java SE 6 update 10 release, improves the initial startup time of Java applets and applications by periodically prefetching some of the most heavily used Java Runtime Environment files into memory (occupying no more than 20Mb of RAM). Later, when Java is launched, much less disk I/O is required and as a result, startup is much faster.
The JQS service will perform runtime checks to determine if the system is running on battery power. If so, prefetching will be suspended until AC power is restored. This scenario is most common on laptop PCs.
jqsnotify ???

4. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools
These tools help to create applications that interact over the Web or other network.

Tool Name Brief Description
rmiregistry Remote object registry service.
rmid RMI activation system daemon.

5. Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools
These tools are used when creating applications that use OMG-standard IDL and CORBA/IIOP.

Tool Name Brief Description
tnameserv Provides access to the naming service.
orbd Provides support for clients to transparently locate and invoke persistent objects on servers in the CORBA environment. ORBD is used instead of the Transient Naming Service, tnameserv. ORBD includes both a Transient Naming Service and a Persistent Naming Service. The orbd tool incorporates the functionality of a Server Manager, an Interoperable Naming Service, and a Bootstrap Name Server. When used in conjunction with the servertool, the Server Manager locates, registers, and activates a server when a client wants to access the server.
servertool Provides ease-of-use interface for the application programmers to register, unregister, startup, and shutdown a server.
jbroker ???
java-rmi ???

6. Java Deployment Tools
Utilities for use in conjunction with deployment of java applications and applets on the web.

Tool Name Brief Description
javafxpackager Packages JavaFX applications for deployment. See Deploying JavaFX Applications for more information.
pack200 Transforms a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file using the Java gzip compressor. The compressed packed files are highly compressed JARs, which can be directly deployed, saving bandwidth and reducing download time.
unpack200 Transforms a packed file produced by pack200 into a JAR file.

7. Java Web Start Tools
Utilities for use in conjunction with Java Web Start.

Tool Name Brief Description
javaws Command line tool for launching Java Web Start and setting various options.
jp2launcher ???

8. Java Access Bridge Tools


Tool Name Brief Description
jabswitch ???

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